Custom Workflows, Nodes, Extensions, and Tools for ComfyUI

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ComfyUI Impact PackCustom nodes pack for ComfyUICustom Nodes
ComfyUI Workspace ManagerA ComfyUI custom node for project management to centralize the management of all your workflows in one place. Seamlessly switch between workflows, create and update them within a single workspace, like Google Docs.Custom Nodes
Advanced CLIP Text EncodeContains 2 nodes for ComfyUI that allows for more control over the way prompt weighting should be interpreted. And let's you mix different embeddingsCustom Nodes
AIGODLIKE-ComfyUI-TranslationA plugin for multilingual translation of ComfyUI. This plugin implements translation of resident menu bar/search bar/right-click context menu/node, etcCustom Nodes
ComfyQRSpecialized nodes for efficient QR code workflows.Custom Nodes
ComfyUI Disco DiffusionThis repo holds a modularized version of Disco Diffusion for use with ComfyUICustom Nodes
ComfyUI CLIPSegPrompt based image segmentationCustom Nodes
ComfyUI Noise6 nodes for ComfyUI that allows for more control and flexibility over noise to do e.g. variations or "un-sampling"Custom Nodes
ControlNet Preprocessors for ComfyUIPreprocessors nodes for ControlNetCustom Nodes
Cutoff for ComfyUICutoff is a script/extension for the Automatic1111 webui that lets users limit the effect certain attributes have on specified subsets of the prompt.Custom Nodes
Davemane42's Custom NodeVisual Area Conditioning / Latent compositionCustom Nodes
Derfuu Math and Modded NodesMath and modded nodesCustom Nodes
EllangoK's Post-Processsing NodesPost Processing nodes adding a variety of unique image effectsCustom Nodes
Extended Save ImageSave Image (Extended) node allowing to save images in PNG, JPEG and WEBP formatCustom Nodes
Image ResizeA flexible image resizing node: proportional resizing, cropping or padding to specified side ratio, resizing mask along with the imageCustom Nodes
ImagesGrid: Comfy pluginA simple comfyUI plugin for images grid (X/Y Plot)Custom Nodes
Integrated NodesAllows grouping arbitrary workflow parts in single custom nodesCustom Nodes
NodeGPTComfyUI Extension Nodes for Automated Text Generation.Custom Nodes
OpenPose EditorComfyUI OpenPose EditorCustom Nodes
Pythongosssss's custom scriptscustom nodes and scripts (remove the background or foreground, auto arrange graph, IO SVG, favicon status and others)Custom Nodes
TheAlly's Custom NodesCustom nodes for ComfyUI by TheAllyCustom Nodes
WAS Node SuiteExtensive node suite with 100+ nodes for advanced workflows. Image processing, text processing, math, video, gifs and more!Custom Nodes
AutoConnect for ComfyUIAutoconnect button to add any missing connections between nodes automaticallyExtension